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Welcome to Room 602! Thank you for visiting our class webpage. I hope this will be a useful resource for you and your child. Check out photos from the classroom and see what the kids in Room 602 have been up to this year! To help keep our students safe online, this is a private site. Please email me for an invitation.
What will we be doing in 2nd grade? High Frequency Word List. Please be sure your child is reading nightly. Sunshine Math is optional! 8203;LETTERLAND Week of January 3rd. Spoon balloon who school wmooth loose do proof rooster prove choose lose. The children like to see all the animals. Who likes the moose the best? Please do not worry about the following videos.
7100 Hilburn Drive - Raleigh, NC 27613. You can stay in the know of Hilburn Academy events and important information for the 2014-2015 school year by going to our PTA Homepage. On the Hilburn Academy website. Learn how you can be more involved within the Hilburn community! We are DONE WITH our reading and math assessments! .